Date: 12/16/1999 11:58 PM Subject: Proposed Regulation FD I wish to comment on the SEC's Proposed Regulation FD. We are in a time of financial revolution as more and more ordinary people are taking personal control in directing their investments, rather than relying primarily on their brokers and Wall Street pundits as in the past. Much of this revolution is due to the Internet phenomenon that is transforming many aspects of society. I, along with millions of others, am a newcomer to managing my own portfolio of investments, and this happened because of the proliferation of investment information resources and the convenience of on-line brokers, both brought about by the Internet. Proposed Regulation FD is designed to put a stop to an old habit, the practice of sharing material information about a company's performance with a select group of Wall Street analysts and the like, and doing so before the same information is made available to the general public. It would be easy to ignore this problem, because the securities industry is comfortable with it. Although private, selective disclosure of company earnings and other news was never really justifiable, it becomes even less so in this new investing environment. We can no longer countenance a system that positions a favored few by giving them valuable information that puts them in a position to favor their clients over the rest of the investing public. Proposed Regulation FD should be adopted because it will help establish and protect market efficiency, which is another way of saying that with respect to company information that is relevant to investors, there should be a level playing field for everyone involved in investing. Thank you. Stephen Eugene Westfall 24W510 Bluff Court Naperville, Illinois 60540 Email: