Date: 03/22/2000 2:24 AM Subject: SEC Regulations / Proposal FD-(Fair Disclosure) Greetings! And THANK YOU; Mr. Levitt. I personally; sort of look at life as a learning process, and this process and experience exist on this little sphere of knowledge, among a vastness of other spheres, wealthy with knowledge and un-discovered amenities for all who would seek them out. It is sad to think that this INFORMATION, is only for a privileged few,tilting the Librian Scales in one direction, and eliminating FAIR- PLAY for all people. I would think, that we were out of the Dark-Ages, where Knowledge was kept from the masses, and only privy to the High Priests and Mythological Gods of the Period. Simplicity dictates..." The more you know, the more you grow "; And as we all would expand our knowledge and growth, So would the market. Common sense and the back of a DIME would tell you, that there is strenght in numbers, and by adding to these numbers, we increase the might and flexibility of that strenght. The only thing that might be LOST! Is CONTROL by a few; feeding the many. Of course ; I could be WRONG. I am only one person, trying to learn and grow. Respectfully; Michael Walters St. Louis, Missouri