Date: 03/22/2000 8:00 AM Subject: Proposed Regulation FD Dear Sirs, I would like comment on the Proposed Regulation FD regarding "Selective Disclosure" of company information prior to it's public release. This "Rule" is long overdue. As an individual investor, to many times I have watched a company I own precipitously drop in value to only have to wait two days later for information that was given to analysts and institutional investors who sold out first. This has decidely put the individual investor at a disadvantage to large firms who would otherwise charge excessive fees to access what should be public information. Individual investors are a growing group in Amercia's financial landscape. With greater than 40% of American households owning some equities, information on companies should be transperent. In the age of "instant information", public disclosure to all will pose no burden to a publicly traded company. The only effect it will have is to further educate the investing public. I appreciate the efforts of the SEC to uphold the integrity of the markets and level the field for all types of investors, including us little guys. Regards, Stephen R. Rogers, Ph.D. Individual Investor 200 Glen Springs Rd. Brandon, MS 39047 (601) 824-9241