Date: 01/18/2000 11:05 PM Subject: Proposed Regulation re. Fair Disclosure From what I read below from your web site, I am 100% in favor of Regulation FD. Too often the small investor is left to the mercies of the market because the big investors have information that is not disclosed publicly. This regulation would be a major step in leveling the field for everyone. Just because an investor in a public company is a large money entity doesn't mean he should have priority to information on a PUBLIC company. That is definitely unfair. Thank you for proposing this regulation and I most certainly hope it passes. Shirley Rogers +++++++++++ The Commission is proposing a new Regulation FD (Fair Disclosure), which does not treat selective disclosure under insider trading laws, but rather creates requirements for fair disclosure practices by companies. Proposed Regulation FD would require that: (1) whenever an issuer intentionally discloses material information, it do so through public disclosure, not through selective disclosure; and (2) whenever an issuer learns that it has made a non-intentional material selective disclosure, the issuer make prompt public disclosure of that information. Under the proposal, an issuer could make the required public disclosure through one of several methods: (1) filing the information with the Commission; (2) issuing a press release; or (3) providing public access (for example, by phone access or webcast) to the conference call or meeting.