Date: 03/21/2000 10:57 PM Subject: Proposed Regulation FD Dear Chairman Levitt- I am writing to voice my opinion in favor of the above regulation. If we are to encourage the growth of free market capitalism there must be a level playing field for all. The current situation in which analysts and institutional clients are informed before the rest of us about upcoming company earnings obviously gives them an unfair advantage. But perhaps more importantly, it helps create the type of two tiered society where wealth accumulates in an increasingly small upper-class. As the under classes become impoverished they have less money to spend and the economy slows or grinds to a halt. "Selective disclosure" is just a nice phrase for corruption. Look at the corrupt economies of the third world that are filled with this sort of favoritism There simply isn't any movement of money. Free market economies need to be free for all, not only for the sake of fairness, but in order to sustain themselves. Sincerely, Terry Morris an independent trader