Date: 03/22/2000 12:06 PM Subject: Selective Data Disclosure Gentelmen, The ability of the Market's function to be truly random and even handed is directly impacted by the amount and method of delivery utilized in communications between entities and the public. At present the system unfairly allows a select few access to up-to-date information allowing them to unfairly profit by such restricted disclosures by trading on the market long bvefore the information reaches the public. As we see today participation in the Market is broaded than ever before and that is good. Giving a special class citizenship by way of restriced disclosures is grossly unfair to the average investor. The flow of information must be free of this "look-ahead" operation which sadly functions asa an unfair advantage given to a few select indicvduals or firms. No restrictions should be placed on the flow of information from companies to their current or potential stockholders. The current systwem does not reflect that full free flow principal. I am firmly in favor of a ruling and enforced provisions that will "level the playing field" between what now are factually insider traders and the average public investor. Sincerely, C. F. Knepper President Arena International Engineers Inc. 925 Coffey Drive St. Louis, MO. 63126-1313