Date: 03/22/2000 9:14 AM Subject: Proposed Regulation FD Dear Sir/Maam, I am strongly in favor of the propsed regulation requiring full disclosure. There is no reasonble basis for allowing publicly traded companies to release important information only to a select few. The unrestricted flow of information is one of the cornerstones of the markets and American society. Severely limiting access to data that affects millions of investors strikes at the ideas of fairness and equality. While there are shrill arguments that the current analysts would find themselves in soup kitchens if the proposed rule is adopted, competent analysts should still be able to employ themselves gainfully. Tracking even a single market sector is a full time job. Full disclosure means that analysts will have to earn their keep by providing meaningful analysis of the various companies instead of simply being the first people allowed access to information that helps determine stock price. In the long run, this can only be a beneficial change. Very respectfully, Philip Kapusta