Date: 08/17/2000 3:02 PM Subject: Regulation FD Dear SEC, Arthur Levitt, Jr. deserves credit for the new Regulation FD rule. I hope that you will consider every protest from the privileged elite as confirmation of the necessity of Regulation FD. Analysts and portfolio managers will certainly miss obtaining insider information to make investment decisions to the detriment of the small investor. I personally found the WSJ article of August 16, 2000 interesting. Poor Tom Roth of Safeco was now unable to obtain non-public information on Micros. As I small investor in Micros I have not been given access to information on individual customer accounts. It is rough when there is a level playing field and all investors have to make investment decisions based on the same public information. Before the widespread adoption of the Internet full and equal disclosure to all investors may not have been possible. However, the surge in interest in using and other Internet broadcasting services is a strong indication that the flow of investment information will not stop but will increasing be made available to all investors in a timelier manner. The privileged insiders will protest their lack of special access to companies. The louder they complain the more obvious that Regulation FD is a step forward in improving the fairness and integrity of US securities markets. Best Regards, Stephen Jones