Date: 12/19/1999 12:14 PM Subject: Open Disclosure Dear SEC, I applaud your Chairman Arthur Levitt's comments about Full public and open disclosure. Further, I absolutely support Proposed Regulation FD (Fair Disclosure) whcih would require that: (1) whenever an issuer intentionally discloses material information, it does so through public disclosure, not through selective disclosure; and (2) whenever an issuer learns that it has made a non-intentional material selective disclosure, the issuer make prompt public disclosure of that information. I am a individual investor, not a customer of any of the large Wallstreet full service brokerages, and I feel that selective disclosure is little more than disguised "insider information" that is used AGAINST ME since I don't subscribe to those services. Corporate information should be free and available. Further, I would urge the SEC to investigate the "conflict of interest" situation wherein companies with a financial and vested interest in a particular security will issue public advisories, such as BUY or HOLD on that same security. Seems to me they're doing nothing more than hawking their own commodity, rather than providing an unbiased analysis. If companies can continue to issue analysis in stock they own or sell, then they should be required to disclose the extent of their interest in the security they are giving their analysis of. I hope I've described that adequately to explain what I'm talking about. It really does seem like a conflict of interest, or their analyses are being passed under false pretenses. The public has no way of knowing if that analysis is based on corporate financials and performance or on the analyst's interests in selling their own shares of the security in question. Again, thank you for garnering public comment. John Hellmann 1124 SW Leschi Drive Oak Harbor, WA 98277