Date: 12/16/1999 11:13 PM Subject: Proposed Regulation FD To Whom it May Concern: This message is to give my full support to the concept of full disclosure of information by companies to the public. The recent efforts by the SEC are welcome and exactly in the right direction as we continue to "level the playing field". Reading Mr. Stanley Kaswell's obfuscations and "concerns" only points out how little the brokerages out there actually want everyone to have equal access to information. After mentioning how he "abhors" insider trading, he says he's worried about a "chilling effect" on information flow. The only chilling effect will be on brokers being able to stiff unknowing clients for huge fees just because they were able to get to a piece of information first. The printing press revolutionized the way governments dealt with their populations, and the internet and information available is going to revolutionize the way we deal with our personal finances. I fully support the SEC's goal of complete disclosure by companies, and firmly believe that in the end the market will be stronger for it. If the analysts and brokers are doing their jobs, then they will need to provide something of value to clients, not just the snake oil they've been able to get away with until now. Thank you, John J. Burnham Lieutenant Commander United States Navy