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U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Comments on Proposed Rule:
Selective Disclosure and Insider Trading

Release Nos. 33-7787, 34-42259, IC-24209, File No. S7-31-99

Author: Terri Aguirre at Internet Date: 04/26/2000 8:30 PM Normal TO: RULE-COMMENTS at 03SEC Subject: proposed regulation fd: file #57-36-99 ------------------------------- Message Contents this communique is to show support for the above written regulation ,currently up for review by the S.E.C. this , to me , will open up more information , not restrict it , as mr.stuart j.kaswell , of the S.I.A., stated in his pronouncement . it seems that if you require companies , corporations and brokers to adhere to a group of rules and conditions , in regards to the dissemination of information , allowing more complete and up to the minute info , then everyone is better served . In a open market economy , it should be a level playing field for all , regardless of whether the player is an insitution or someone trading on-line , like myself . why should i have to wait for information regarding my investments while some connected broker is passing on "priveleged" information to his institutional client ,while my investing needs must stand in line awaiting pieces of selected info. i should be no threat to any broker , brokerage house or institution . thank you mark aguirre

Author: "David Burger" at Internet Date: 04/26/2000 9:07 PM Normal TO: RULE-COMMENTS at 03SEC Subject: ------------------------------- Message Contents --- David Burger --- deburger@earthlink.net --- EarthLink: It's your Internet. I am against selective disclosure.

Author: at Internet Date: 04/26/2000 10:54 PM Normal TO: RULE-COMMENTS at 03SEC Subject: (no subject) ------------------------------- Message Contents I'm just a small voice in the 'Investing' wilderness, but I am quite concerned that not all available information a company is required to disclose will reach the average investor without going through a big brokerage house. Please do not cave in to the big money lobbyists trying to control the Information business. Roger L. Engstrom Mobile, AL R1engstrom@aol.com

Author: mark foreman at Internet Date: 04/26/2000 9:06 PM Normal TO: RULE-COMMENTS at 03SEC Subject: Full Disclosure ------------------------------- Message Contents I insist on full disclosure, We are entitled to a level playing field. How would you like to be on the outside investing with your hard earned dollars. Fair disclosure rules are the right thing to do, be brave and do what's fair. Mark Foreman Bomanite of Northern California 191 Ruby Street Auburn, Ca 95606 530-823-6480 http://www.bomanite-norcal.com

Author: Bill Garner <254168823@worldnet.att.net> at Internet Date: 04/26/2000 9:31 PM Normal TO: RULE-COMMENTS at 03SEC Subject: Proposed Regulation FD: File No. S7-31-00 ------------------------------- Message Contents Members of the SEC: I will keep this brief, as I am sure that sending a lengthy dissertation will not have any more effect than one which is to the point. I am in favor of the fair disclosure of information rule which is currently before you. It saddens me that Wall Street analysts find it necessary to fight against the opportunity for investors of all levels and walks of life to have the benefit of the same information which they have been privy to for so many years. Many investors will still depend on their analysis, but they are not entitled to have so much advantage over the individual investor. And contrary to what they may have you believe, those individual investors showing an interest in the information, may be able to disseminate it without becoming panic stricken or irrationally emotional. It is my request that you vote for this "fair" change in policy. Sincerely, Kay Garner individual investor 106 Laurel Oaks Ln Crawford, TX 76638

Author: at Internet Date: 04/26/2000 11:31 PM Normal TO: RULE-COMMENTS at 03SEC Subject: Proposed Regulation FD ------------------------------- Message Contents Every one should have the right to access full disclosure of corporate information--not a selective few. What each individual may or may not wish to do with this information should be an individual choice (right). Thank you for your efforts. Linda Henderson, Thousand Oaks, CA

Author: at Internet Date: 04/26/2000 11:30 PM Normal TO: RULE-COMMENTS at 03SEC Subject: Proposed Regulation FD: File No. S&-31-99 ------------------------------- Message Contents I opposed selective disclosure. Dawn Kruse

Author: at Internet Date: 04/26/2000 11:15 PM Normal TO: RULE-COMMENTS at 03SEC Subject: "Proposed Regulation FD: File No. S7 - 31 - 99" ------------------------------- Message Contents Let's have a level playing field. Leonard R. Lee, 7431 N. Hampton Rd. Lincoln, NE 68506. E-Mail Leonarddoc@aol.com.

Author: "Salomon M. Lipiner" at Internet Date: 04/26/2000 11:56 PM Normal TO: RULE-COMMENTS at 03SEC Subject: Proposed changes to selective disclosure of information. ------------------------------- Message Contents As concerns the selective disclosure by issuers to select groups of analysts, only one service is performed. Those firms invited to send analysts have a leg up not only on the investing public whose money is at risk but also enables them to give leg up to their "important" clients who are alerted before the rest of the individual investors. Opening of these meetings to the investing public will have two beneficial effects. First, the investing public will have equal access, to new information making for a more transparent market. Second, Brokerage firms will be under increased pressure to supply their research and analysis to all clients at the same time or risk losing their most lucrative clients., the individual investors. I strongly urge the commissioners to open the disclosure process in such a manner that we all have the same news at the same time and can all hear responses to the questions of analyst at the same time Salomon M. Lipiner 300 East 74th Street New York, NY 10021

Author: McElroy48@aol.com at Internet Date: 04/26/2000 10:55 PM Normal TO: RULE-COMMENTS at 03SEC Subject: Rule changes are a GOOD IDEA! ------------------------------- Message Contents The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is proposing to change the rules that currently allow companies to give important information to Wall Street analysts without simultaneously giving the news to the public at large. This is a good Idea. Wall Street is spending big and lobbying hard to keep the current system of selective disclosure in place. Please don't let them prevail.

Author: at Internet Date: 04/26/2000 10:45 PM Normal TO: RULE-COMMENTS at 03SEC Subject: Disclosure ------------------------------- Message Contents Please consider the equalized nature of investing and disclosure. Sincerely EE Moe

Author: hadley101 at Internet Date: 04/27/2000 12:04 AM Normal TO: RULE-COMMENTS at 03SEC Subject: Regulation FD ------------------------------- Message Contents SEC, I appreciate the opportunity to voice my opinion on proposed Regulation FD. I value the analysis of the pros on the street but they are like politicians and have their own agenda. Rarely have I seen a sell rating on a stock. I don't have the privilege of taking companies public but this is only one point, I am well aware that analysts have to butter management teams to be privy to information. I will welcome any change that involves an open playing field and holds these guys to a higher degree of professionalism and scrutiny. My financial future is in my hands and I would like to disseminate reports on my own and compare to the results I get to the street's. For this reason I need to deduct my own opinion as my future is as stake. I already feel that the street has an unfair advantage when they receive important information and make trades according what the information is. This lack of free flow of information is a black eye to the supposed efficient and fair market. I rarely hear any news regarding the SEC catching anyone front running and feel this regulation is just an appeasement to the so called Dumb Money. Remember this is what we are called and this is because they are privy to secret information. They keep it from us and taunt us with it. I don't plan on staying in the market as I have better opportunities for my money. People lost faith in the markets before and we all know what it did to our country. Hadley Robinson Individual Investor

Author: Tim Rumoshosky at Internet Date: 04/26/2000 8:50 PM Normal TO: RULE-COMMENTS at 03SEC Subject: ------------------------------- Message Contents I am extremely distressed about your continuing approval of allowing "so called" analysts to be fed news from companies before the general public. What were the US and French revolutions about a few centuries ago - that there should be no "annointed" elite. Everyone should have equal opportunity. If these "analysts" are so smart, they should be able to analyze the information quicker than us serfs and still come out on top. Unequal protection of the law is not my concept of the US Government. If it is yours, please forward me an application to be a member of the royalty.

Author: "Bill_CKD_CBD" at Internet Date: 04/26/2000 7:34 PM Normal TO: RULE-COMMENTS at 03SEC Subject: Full Disclosure ------------------------------- Message Contents Gemtlemen: Full Disclosure is the way that it needs to be. Thank you, William D. Shorr, CKD, CBD

Author: "Ray Smith" at Internet Date: 04/26/2000 9:09 PM Normal TO: RULE-COMMENTS at 03SEC CC: at Internet Subject: fair disclusure rules ------------------------------- Message Contents Dear SEC, Please pass the proposed Financial Disclosure legislation. I'm an individual investor and strongly feel that there should be laws to protect us from shadey business practices. Ray Smith 1330 Tunnel Rd Santa Barbara, CA 93105 Individual Investor

Author: Timothy Vian at Internet Date: 04/26/2000 8:49 PM Normal TO: RULE-COMMENTS at 03SEC Subject: SEC Filings ------------------------------- Message Contents I am an economics teacher at a high school here in Oregon and I have just finished a presentation on the stock market and the ability of the SEC to monitor and report filings on company's who have issued stock. Students were amazed and gratified to know that there was a government agency that really did look out for all people concerned. Do not allow Wall Street moguls to hog tie and subvert one of the most impressive and fair systems that we as individual (and future) investors have to protect and learn from. Many of the students are tracking stocks (fictitiously at this point) and have chosen those stocks on the basis of SEC filings. They find them valuable and have said repeatedly that most of the stocks they have chosen were because of the SEC filings. The youth of this country do listen and they do understand the value of research and accurate information. As future investors they may not like the idea of privileged information for only a few. Doesn't seem to be the American way...maybe China's. Tim Vian tvian@sps.lane.edu Thurston High School Springfield, OR

