From: Jeffrey Weiss [] Sent: Monday, December 08, 2003 12:32 AM To: Subject: Comments on New Mutual Fund Rules (s7-26-03 and s7-27-03) Sirs- The current rigging of Mutual Funds via late trading and market timing by connected fat cats at the expense of the small investor is outrageous and must be stopped. However, why is it that the newly proposed SEC rules to prevent it are at the expense of, guessed it..., the small investor? According to experts, retirement plans are going to be at a competitive disadvantage and costs are going to be higher for small investors. Surely you can modify these rules with limits on the size of the investment, or other means, to make sure the people paying for preventing these abuses are the perpetrators, not the victims. You need to reverse the feeling everyone is getting that the Market, in general, is completely rigged against the small investor. Thank you very much. Sincerely, Jeffrey Weiss 778 Steuben Dr. Sunnyvale, CA 94087