Subject: proposed rules (S7-25-97) Date: 11/19/97 10:15 AM Jonathan Katz, Secretary Securities and Exchange Commission 450 5th St., NW Washington, DC 20549 Dear Sir, I am writing to voice my strong objection to the SEC's new proposed rules (S7-25-97). If adopted, these rules will significantly reduce the rights of American shareholders. It is wrong for the SEC to stop me from voicing my opinion as a stockholder. The process as it stands today is an important tool for protecting my financial interests as a stock owner. It is also an important marketplace mechanism for promoting corporate accountability and corporate responsibility. Shareholders have enormous financial interest in addressing the diverse issues raised through the shareholder process. When companies fail to address their environmental or social impact problems, shareholders as well as society in general can suffer. Corporate mismanagement of these issues can seriously effect a company's reputation and bottom line. Please do not alter my rights as a small shareholder. Thank you, Mark Squire 4000 Canfield Rd. Sebastopol, CA 95472