Date: 1/5/98 3:13 PM Subject: s7-25-97 Surely even those caught up in the whirlwind activities of the SEC can see the pitfalls which lie ahead if this S7-25-97 is passed. To prevent motions on such issues as fair employment practices (eg, sex & race discrimination and harrassment) from being brought to stockholders' attention is absurd! In addition, this would apply as far as preventing questions on gender balancing boards, the use of child labor, and other ways that employees, investors and customers force corporations to clean up their acts when they have refused to act on their own. The present and the future do not support this, and those who do will only appear short sighted and foolish in the near future. In my company, for example, one of the investment opportunites includes a selection of companies who are socially/globally responsible. More and more, consumers in every aspect of American life are holding companies more responsible for their actions...and lack of action. To turn back the clock to the "thrilling" days of yesteryear, with the closed, smoke-filled board rooms is a mistake which will come back to haunt those who supported it, when they realize how impractical and unpopular it is. You have the opportunity to save yourself this embarrassment, and not pass it in the first place. I hope you have the sense to see the political wisdom of doing so, if not the obvious benefits of encouraging a more just, civil society. Valerie Lambert