Date: 12/12/97 3:56 PM Regarding: File No. s7-25-97 Mr Katz, As an environmentalist and social activist I strongly oppose the proposed change in the rules overseeing shareholder resolutions. These changes would make it much harder (near imposible) to sponser proposals addressing environmental concerns (such as the Maxxam/Headwaters Forest) and social concerns (the strugle against South African apparthied was won through shareholder mandates that the companys change their ways, pull out of that country). By increasing the number of votes needed for resubmital of a resolution, the change effectively makes it impossible to build up long-term support for an issue. The change would also allow a company to refuse to include a resolution on the proxy statement if company management deems the sponsers have a special interests (eg, environmental, social justice and equity) driving them. I strongly urge you to withdraw the proposed rule changes. nathaniel vaughn kelso 1204 H street Eureka CA 95501