Subject: S7-25-97 Date: 11/3/97 1:19 PM Dear Sir or Madam, My comments pertain to the proposed rules to change the shareholder process (s&-25-97). I am strongly opposed to these rules, which would severly limit my rights as a shareholder. I believe that our business institutions and our country, and indeed the world, have benefitted from shareholder involvement in the past. The progress that has been made in South Africa is surely the poster child for these benefits, but there have been many other positive changes brough about by the involvement of shareholders in corporate policy making. I believe the rules that govern the shareholder process should be fair, reasonable, and responsible. They should allow shareholders to voice concerns without impeding managements' ability to run the company. The old rules seemed to meet these criteria in most instances. The new rules would not meet these criteria. In fact, had the new rules been in place during the struggle against Apartheid in South Africa, I doubt that shareholders would have been able to exert any influece. Therefore, I respectfully ask you to withdraw the proposed rules and let the original rules stand. If new rules are needed, a new proposal should be put forward that guarantees shareholder access. Thank you for your consideration, Dana Harmon, Oakland, CA.