Subject: File No. S7-25-97 Date: 11/21/97 1:34 PM Attn: Jonathan Katz; RE: File No. S7-25-97 I beleive that if the rules propose by the S.E.C.are adopted they will weaken any chance the shareholders have of controlling coperate managements excesses; for example, economic or environmental impact. The S.E.C. would be granting to coperate management a power original held by the S.E.C.; that is, determine if a resolution would qualify for shareholder consideration. In the past, corporations have done everything they could to wear down the rights and well being of all corporate shareholders. The chairman & the current commissioners of the S.E.C. seem to have forgotten that common stockholders are the owners of American industry and through the proxy could have managenment brought to task for malfeasance. Were not, corporations originally chartered to serve the public trust, as subordinate entities to a sovereign public? Was not, a corporate charter a "privilege" granted to an enterprise formed "for the public good." I hope my comments are reviewed and consideration given. Your truly, Robert Gunther 507 Moffitt Blvd Islip NY 11751-3020 FAX: 516 277-1167 E-Mail: