Date: 12/15/97 7:00 PM To whom it may concern, I am very concerned by the proposal to limit sharholder proposals. I have always been very concerned by how my money is invested and make efforts to invest in companies which live by the highest ethical and practical standards. I do this because I think that it makes good sense and good business to take long term considerations into account when purchasing a business. Shareholder resolutions are important to this investment approach because there is considerable pressure in the business world to take a short sighted view toward one or two year profit returns. By making (or supporting) a shareholder proposal, it becomes possible to support businesses to consider the larger impact of the company. We all want business to do well. As a shareholder, I want my companies to keep doing well for my lifetime and beyond. Shareholder proposals are one of the few means available for me to express this priority to the companies I support. David Corbett (613) 234-5032 1505 Manana St. Austin, Tx 78730