From: william johnson [] Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2003 1:22 AM To: From William Johnson at "" Subject: File No. S7-23-03 This is a suggestion and request that you tighten the penalties for selling unregistered stock and illegal shorting without the proper borrowing of shares from the broker. It has become a sad state of affairs for bulliten board and otc stockholders. The market makers just violate the rules with impunity. I realize that the brokers making the markets in bb and otc stocks do not make the money made on the nyse and ase. But, does this give them the right to destroy small companies when it is obvious that the shares being sold are nothing more than electronic entries into a computer? Mr. Renbaum is the lead lawyer in your case against PCBM, Pinnacle Business Mgt., an otc company. The case was dumped into a Federal Court in Florida and has sat there for almost a year. What is the reason? This was a viable company with promise until your people forced the resignation of the president and ceo. 30,000 shareholders are now and for almost a year held hostage to the case in the Florida court. Meanwhile the stock has dropped to zero bid. Please give the shareholders a break and move on the case to settle it? The trouble started with either dilution by the company or huge shorting we the shareholders don't know which but you the SEC should. Thank you for listening. William Johnson. _________________________________________________________________ Groove on the latest from the hot new rock groups! Get downloads, videos, and more here.