From: Mike Jirele [] Sent: Friday, October 31, 2003 11:10 AM To: Subject: (s7-23-03) SEC, RE: On 10/22/03 the SEC held a meeting in which part of the agenda was to consider new rules for shorting and specifically to curb naked shorting on the OTCBB. The new regulation is named SHO and was voted on and passed by the SEC on 10/22/03 and filed as Release No. 34- 48709; File No. S7-23-03 RIN 3235-AJ00 and is now out for comments for 60 days. I am a long individual investor in an OTCBB stock and I am sick and tired of having my pocket picked by the "naked shorters". I have level 2 and it is so obvious what the market makers are doing it is ludicrous. Make the market fair (I don't think thats possible), how about make the market so the individual investor at least has a chance. SEC chairman Grasso talked about how the SEC was making the market fair for everyone. Do something about it instead of hyping how fair things are when you have a successful sting operation. Sincerely, Mike Jirele -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Want to check if your PC is virus-infected? Get a FREE computer virus scan online from McAfee.