From: Drew@bomberfly [] Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 9:03 PM To: Subject: S7-23-03: SEC Regulators, As an experienced trader I have sat back in frustration and disbelief at how the SEC has allowed unfair and illegal activities to go on hurting good companies and investors. I have nothing against legal shorting fact, I do it myself...but it is the outright manipulation and currupt shorting that takes place for the specific purpose of driving a company's pps into the ground that I think is just undeniably wrong. Everyday I witness manipulation on the the different exchanges. It is to the point that all of the traders and investors I am affiliated with constantly ask how the SEC and the exchanges can turn a blind eye to something so obvious. It is not just taking place on the big boards. Naked short-selling and manipulation of penny-stocks, small-cap stocks, and micro-capstocks has just been ridiculously overlooked. Some companies have in fact become pennystocks because of naked shorting practices and manipulation. It has to stop...and on all levels...not just in the big-name companies on the big boards...but across the entire market. This means much tighter regulations on the OTC.BB markets as well. Some of the most obvious manipulation and naked short-selling takes place in this arena. These companies don't have a chance against naked short-sellers and manipulators that take advantage of a flawed system that has been in place for decades. Off-shore and Canadian accounts should NOT be allowed to participate in ANY US markets without abiding by the rules set forth by the regulatory authorities of this nation. Off-shore and Canadian accounts have long been able to manipulate markets with their illegal-criminal naked shorting activities through the SEC's own loose regulations that oversee these activities. Many promising companies that could have contributed to the economic growth and prosperity of this nation have been stomped out by the SEC's negligence in controlling these activities. How many beneficial technologies, services, and products have never come to fruition for the simple fact that they were attacked by these opportunistic terrorists seeking to drive innocent companies out of business for their own selfish-personal gain? How many companies have to go out of many investors have to lose their hard earned money... The SEC must step in and make the STRICT changes necessary to protect both the companies and the shareholders from this illegal and unfair activity? How long must we all suffer at the hands of crooked market- makers and specialists that support these unfair trading activities in the very securities that they reside? When will it stop? Naked short-selling and market maker manipulation must come to an end. It is nothing more than sabotage and terrorism to our trading system here in the states and renders havoc on its investors and businesses. Each trading day brings new hope to promising companies and hopeful investors... but each day there are thieves lurking in the shadows waiting to take what doesn't belong to them because we as a nation have allowed it to go on for far too long without punishment. There must be punishment. Tomorrow another investor will lose at the hands of these thievish manipulators as another company falls due to the loose regulation and policing of the system. Naked short-selling and unfair market-maker/specialist manipulation must stop. There is no excuse for turning a blind eye on this matter any further. EVERYONE KNOWS THAT IT IS HAPPENING. Please...pass the laws necessary to wipe out these activities...and enforce them with an iron fist. Thank you, DC