From: dkahn [] Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2003 5:50 PM To: Subject: File no S7-19-03 I write you as President of the Capital Market Reform Initiative, a not for profit organization. The fundamental problem in our capital markets is the absence of true checks and balances needed to counter the powerful self which motivates those who dominate those markets. While File no S7-19-03 is not nearly enough, it is a step in the right direction. As things stand now, boards are dominated by management–the supervised select and control their supervisors. The lacks of checks and balances has damaged our economy through massive mis allocations of resources. It damages our democracy because those who control our capital markets are unelected and largely unaccountable and they control vast amounts of public resources. This gives them a huge power over our government. The proposed rule will not solve the problem. Far more fundamental changes are needed to prevent the abuses with which we are all to familiar. Far more sweeping and thoughtful changes are needed. Director slating is tantamount to election Neither management nor incumbent boards should be involved in slating unless the shareholders fail to slate. Significant changes are needed in the voting mechanism. Until such changes are possible I see the proposed rule as a plus and I therefore urge its adoption. David B Kahn