Subject: File No. S7-16-98 Date: 8/18/98 9:21 AM August 18, 1998 Mr. Johnathan G. Katz, Secretary Securities and Exchange Commission 450 5th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20549-6009 re: File No. S7-16-98, Proposed Rule Defining Improper Professional Conduct Dear Mr. Katz: I am writing to add my voice to those of others in the AICPA who disagree with the SEC's proposed rule defining improper professional conduct. In his August 1998 letter to the AICPA's Business and Industry Executive Committee and SECPS Executive Committee, Mr. Richard I. Miller, AICPA General Counsel and Secretary, lists six reasons I believe are compelling as to why the language of the proposed rule is unsuitable. I hope the SEC will very carefully consider the well-reasoned objections articulated by Mr. Miller and be persuaded to adopt instead the standard proposed by the AICPA in its earlier petition. Sincerely, John M. Lorentz Controller 20th Century Industries 6301 Owensmouth Avenue Woodland Hills, CA 91367 818-704-3797