Subject: File No. S7-16-98. Date: 8/20/98 7:47 AM Dear Mr. Katz: I want to respond to the proposed amendment to Rule 102(e) of the SEC Rules and Practice, which governs the conduct of accountants and other professionals who perform audits or otherwise practice before the Commission. It is my hope that the Commission will diminish the power or do away with the proposed amendment, which would subject accountants, whether in industry or public practice, to discipline by the SEC for simple errors in judgment. I believe that the AICPA is firmly committed to protecting the investing public from untrustworthy or grossly incompetent practitioners. The investing public benefits from an environment in which accountants are free to exercise their best independent judgment without fear that a particular judgment might be viewed as subject to sanction by the SEC. One of the challenges faced by all governing bodies, including the SEC, is to strike a balance between allowing for independent judgment and establishing a standard for disciplinary action as a result of mistakes of judgment and negligence. The AICPA, state Societies of CPAs and the respective State Boards of Public Accountancy work to govern our industry and protect the investing public from those that are not qualified to practice or are reckless in their decision making. Should this amendment be fully implemented into Rule 102(e) as it is presently proposed, audit and tax fees from a continuing audit would substantially increase. The steps and costs to take a company public would escalate. The difficulty of conducting day to day business affairs should the amendment become effective could be staggering. It is my sincere hope that the SEC will reconsider this proposed amendment and therefore not modify Rule 102(e) accordingly. I appreciate your time and consideration in reading this communication. Best regards, Kyle E. Carrick, CPA Sr. Financial Analyst, International Accounting The SABRE Group