From: Jerry Fan [] Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 4:19 PM To: Subject: Proposal 33-7656, File S7-10-99 To whom it may concerns: 66,000 or more Canadian citizens live in the States would welcome the proposed changes. This proposal has been in place for two and half years. Enough has been said about the unfair and very restrictive existing rules. When can we see it being made into a law/regulation? I wish SEC's website would publish the status of and the planned actions on the proposals so people would know what results and how long we can keep waiting for. Would someone from SEC reply to my e-mail? There must be complications with respect to the rule changes. For majority of affected people, RRSP (registered retirement saving plans in Canada) is the paramount and maybe the only concern. One can not contribute to the plan without employment income in Canada for the year concerned. People left Canada neither can make new contribution nor receive tax reduction, which is the reason for the contribution. But one do need and should have the right to manage their portfolios in mutual funds. The current rule does not even allow for switching between the funds in the same fund family. For the past one year and half, people like myself was sitting there watching the retirement money in mutual funds going down the drain but couldn't make any adjustment. If SEC can't satisfy other concerns very soon, please relax the rule in this aspect now. Jerry Fan Vernon Hills, IL 60061-3163