Jonathan G. Katz, Secretary
Securities and Exchange Commission
450 Fifth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20549-0609
Re: File No. S7-09-04

Dear Jonathan,

When was the last time you invested some money? Because under the proposed change; that date would also be the last time your investment professional received some income.

The privacy notification rules alone have increase my cost of doing business by $3000 annually, which is much more thant the 12b-1 fees which I collect.

If you want to do away with 12b-1 then you need to find a replacement so investment professionals have the necessary income with which to comply with all the mandated communications which we must send to our clients.

Jonathan, it is proven that investors who use a representative have a more profitable investment experience, and the investment professionals also have bills to pay while they wait for you to make your next investment.

Reply to: , Randall Gene Knowles, Chartered Financial Consultant, Certified Financial Planner(tm), LUTC Fellow, 3017 Ninth Avenue South, Great Falls, MT 59405-3421 voice 406-452-7250, fax 406-454-3791

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke

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