S7-06-04:From: Robert Digiambattista [robert.digiambattista.njlm@statefarm.com] Sent: Monday, February 16, 2004 11:52 AM To: 'rule-comments@sec.gov' Subject: S7-06-04: I agree that more disclosure is required. Most clients do not read disclosure forms and many brokers do not give copies to client. It is a known fact that most companies reward brokers for steering clients into specific funds. The penalties need to be changed with any rule changes. Brokerage companies get away with a slap on the wrist while the selling agent is crucified. If a company is fined 1 million dollars while they pocket 100 million, there is no incentive to change tactics. Meanwhile the selling agent has his license revoked for complying with company policy. I also think a standard name should be required for fund names that projects the funds objective. The average person cannot or does not read the prospectus. Most prospectus are written to be vague so the average person cannot understand it. A short term government bond fund should be called a short term government bond fund and not some strange title that can be deceiving. Thanks Robert DiGiambattista