From: M.Jane Greenewald [] Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2004 11:27 AM To: Subject: New Confirmation and Point of Sale Disclosure Requirements To: SEC Chairman William Donaldson Re: New Confirmation and Point of Sale Disclosure Requirements As a mutual fund investor for over 20 years, I urge the SEC to adopt the following proposed guidelines for mutual fund companies requiring * adoption of codes of ethics by investment advisors for mutual funds * that 75% of the board of directors for a mutual fund company be independent. * that the board of directors be led by an independent chairperson. * vendors of mutual funds to reveal costs of buying fund shares and any possible conflicts of interest. * that transaction costs be expressed in dollars and as a percentage of the net amount invested. * that companies give investors information showing how their particular mutual fund's costs and payments compare with those of other similar funds. M.Jane Greenewald 3210 South 33rd Street La Crosse, WI 54601