From: Dennis Kaminski
Sent: April 1, 2005
Subject: File No. S7-06-04

Ladies, Gentlemen,

Mutual Service is a broker/dealer in South Florida that has been registered with the SEC and the NASD since 1969, having over 1,800 registered reps. We believe the proposal out for comment regarding "Point of Sale Requirements" is a major rule change deserving more reflection and member input since, if adopted, will have a tremendous economic impact to our industry and as written may cause more confusion with the investing public than the good it was intended to do.

Therefore, we request that the Commission give the industry at least another 30 days to respond to this release which will afford you with more information to perhaps better shape this regulation after having received substantial input from the NASD members firms and their representatives.

Dennis Kaminski
Executive Vice President
Mutual Service Corporation