From: Wood Family [] Sent: Sunday, February 08, 2004 7:43 PM To: Subject: (s7-06-04) New Confirmation and Point of Sale Disclosure Requirements Dear Secretary Katz and SEC Commissioners: As holders of mutual funds and annuities both personally (IDS-American Express) and as a part of our employment's retirement plans (TIAA-CREF) we wish to express our support for the ethics code and disclosure requirements that have been proposed with regard to the trading of securities. If the recent scandals in the industry have revealed anything, it is that there should be more oversight of those involved in trading. We, who are university professors with relatively modest incomes, must complete yearly conflict of interest forms and guard against conflicts of interest. If that is required of us, it would seem appropriate that those who may have much to gain from a conflict of interest should be required to do the same. We hope you will seriously consider adopting a code of ethics for investment advisers as well as disclosure of the costs incurred by consumers. Information comparing costs from one company to another would also assist consumers to make informed decisions concerning their investments. Thank you for your consideration of our concerns. Sincerely, Christopher and Sandra Wood