From: bd [] Sent: Monday, January 19, 2004 12:15 PM To: Subject: S7-02-04: I applaud the attempt to protect investors from themselves and unscrupulous sales practices, but I feel it does not address the debilitating practice of short selling and/or controlling prices by single or multiple brokers. trades which are held to keep prices within a range by exercising the higher price first then the lower price to maintain control. the trading by brokers with each other to fill an ask price by purchasing at a price other than bid or ask. when the price of a penny stock is rising you will note a lower price is entered by a broker to make sure the price of the stock will not rise so as to cost the broker the necessity of covering. when a legitimate company is in the throes of raising capital and the brokers are allowed to manipulate the price of the stock, it may very well force the new company out of business. I have followed this practice for over two years now, and am appalled that nothing is done about it by the sec. no stock should be permitted to be shorted until it's finances are in a position to deal with this (at best) rather negative action which can only hurt a company of any size let alone the startup companies. while it is important to be sure the investor is dealing with a legitimate STARTUP COMPANY, it is MORE IMPORTANT that these unscrupulous brokers (and you know there are many) are not in a position to destroy them. sincerely William a. Dedrick