From: BREWER PAUL [] Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2003 12:04 AM To: Subject: Sec File No. 4-461 Secretary Katz: As a US citizen and shareholder in several US companies, I support the efforts of the Committee of Concerned Shareholders and James McRitchie with respect to their Petition for Rulemaking (SEC File No. 4-461) to allow shareholder proposals to elect directors onto the boards of US corporations. Increasing the ability of shareholders to add directors to a board could be helpful in restoring proper governance in some extreme situations. However, to be effective it is clear that shareholder proposals would also need to be able to create new seats on a board so that shareholder proposals could potentially elect a new board majority. While I support the spirit of the proposal, the proposal is not without its problems. It is easy to imagine corporations inundated with nomination proposals that, even if announced, would never pass. Also, corporations will find ways to resist the proposed rules just as they have resisted other ways to change or influence management, raising transactions costs wasted within the organization. Staggered board terms, fixed numbers of directors, and ability to serve on committees could be used to limit the ability of shareholders to effect change by limiting the number of directors up for election at any given time and by limiting the effectiveness of new directors unsupported by the old majority. Dr. Paul J. Brewer Department of Economics Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Clear Water Bay Kowloon Hong Kong