From: Sent: Friday, June 06, 2003 9:35 AM To: Subject: Shareholder proxy rules (s7-10-03) Dear Sir or Madam, As someone who has a 401k, IRA, and holds other investments (including my husband's pension fund), I want to applaud the SEC for undertaking a review of the shareholder proxy rules for corporate boards. Hopefully your actions in this area will help to prevent the kinds of fraud we've witnessed over the past three years. It's an outrage that so many corporations have lied and cheated and flaunted the rules to such an extent, and I feel that this is one of the reasons that people's confidence in the stock market remains so tenuous these days. Hopefully you can amend the proxy rules to give shareholders a greater say in how directors are selected and in how companies are overseen. We know this administration hasn't given the SEC the kind of resources you need to fulfill your mission, but it's encouraging to learn that you continue to work in our behalf -- thank you! Go get 'em, guys! Melissa Sweet Costa Mesa, CA