Subject: File No. 4-430 Date: 05/12/2000 2:47 PM Peter W. Pfeiffer 1949 EUCLID AVE SAN MARINO, CA 91108 Secratary, Securities and Exchange Commission 450 Fith Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20549-0609 Dear Sir, Responding to Item 1. I am a programmer analyst by profession and I see no bar to implement dual pricing. As a private investor, I would much prefer "penny" increments - a larger increment leads to inefficient pricing, specialists and market makers picking up greater spreads and profits. Item 2. Computer file fields would have to be increased slightly and access/display/submit screens would have to be modified. These fields and screens, currently in much of the industry, convert back and forth from fractions to decimals to fractions. Item 3. "customer confusion" would be decreased to a great extent. Most investors can easily see a decimal change and its implications such as percentage changes, versus the additional steps in converting fractions to derivative numbers such as sums and percentages of prices. Quick now - What percent is 5/8 point to 8 3/16 ? hmm ! try 63 over 8.19 on your calculator. Easy 7.69% (7.6923077 if neccessary). Example 2 - What's the transaction cost for 100 shares at 8 3/16 per share plus fees of .015 % and commission of $45 ? hmmm ! Again so much easier in decimals and less chance for gross error. Item 4. Dual pricing could be designed, tested, installed with auto conversion, and in use by NASDAQ and the others within a month. If NASDAQ wants to drag its feet, then market forces would soon bring it into conformance. The question is - Why complicate things with dual pricing ? Items 5, 6, and 7 and conclusion. Decimal pricing should have been implemented long ago. It's retention has only exacerbated the the public distrust of the industry. Interim steps such as the Pilot program and Dual Pricing will only serve to complicate and confuse tradingissues, statements tax returns, all bookeeping chores. Please initiate decimal pricing asap - July 3 !!! Then the industry has the Fourth to fix any bugs. Please include Monetary penalties for non-conformance. Thank you for your attention. Peter W. Pfeiffer