==========================================START OF PAGE 1====== SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION 17 CFR Parts 230, 239, 270, and 274 [Release Nos. 33-7320; IC-22135; S7-34-93] RIN 3235-AE17 Revisions to Rules Regulating Money Market Funds AGENCY: Securities and Exchange Commission ACTION: Final Rule; suspension of compliance date. SUMMARY: The Commission is suspending the compliance date set forth in Section V.A of 61 FR 13956, which contains final amendments to rules and forms that govern money market funds. EFFECTIVE DATES: The effective date for the rule and form amendments set forth in 61 FR 13956 remains June 3, 1996. Effective (insert date of Federal Register Publication), the compliance date with respect to certain of the amendments adopted in 61 FR 13956 is suspended. The Commission will publish in the Federal Register a document notifying the public of a new compliance date. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Marjorie S. Riegel, Senior Counsel, Office of Chief Counsel (202) 942-0727, Division of Investment Management, Securities and Exchange Commission, 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20549. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Commission is suspending the compliance date in connection with amendments to rules 2a-7, 2a41-1, 12d-3 and 31a-1 [17 CFR 270.2a-7, 270.2a41-1, 270.12d- 3 and 270.31a-1] under the Investment Company Act of 1940 [15 ==========================================START OF PAGE 2====== U.S.C.  80a-1, et seq.] (the "March Amendments").-[1]- Section V.A of the release adopting the March Amendments (the "March Release") provided that money market funds would be required to comply with certain of the March Amendments by October 3, 1996.-[2]- The Commission anticipates that it will be proposing technical amendments ("Technical Amendments") to certain of the March Amendments, which are not expected to be adopted before October 3, 1996. Therefore, the Commission is suspending the October 3, 1996 compliance date, and will establish a new compliance date for the March Amendments subject to Section V.A.-[3]- This new compliance date will be published in the Federal Register in connection with the adoption of the Technical Amendments.-[4]- The compliance date with respect to certain of the March Amendments adopted in 61 FR 13956 is suspended effective upon publication of this release in the -[1]- See Investment Company Act Rel. No. 21837 (Mar. 21, 1996) [61 FR 13956 (Mar. 28, 1996)]. -[2]- Id. -[3]- Money market funds may comply with any of the amendments or rules adopted in the March Release prior to the new compliance date. See Section V.A. of the March Release. -[4]- Section V.B of the March Release "grandfathered" certain securities by providing that money market funds could continue to purchase such securities issued on or before June 3, 1996 (the "Grandfathering Date"). The Commission intends to publish in the Federal Register a new Grandfathering Date for securities of the type described in Section V.B of the March Release. Such securities issued prior to the new Grandfathering Date may continue to be purchased and held by money market funds relying on the rule. ==========================================START OF PAGE 3====== Federal Register because such suspension "grants or recognizes an exemption or relieves a restriction."-[5]- The Commission notes that Section V.C of the March Release set forth compliance dates for certain disclosure, advertising and reporting requirements for money market funds. These requirements will not be affected by the Technical Amendments. The Commission is not suspending the compliance dates for these requirements, and all money market funds are required to comply with these requirements by the compliance dates set forth in the March Release. By the Commission Jonathan G. Katz Secretary August 13, 1996 -[5]- 5 U.S.C.  553(d)(1).