Date: 09/17/2000 7:53 AM Subject: File No. S7-24-99 The SEC should completely ban the practice of the short selling of stocks by everyone, market makers and investors. The market(s) should operate strictly on supply and demand. The market(s) should be completely electronic where the buyer is matched with seller and there is no gap in-between. Liquidity will happen simply by breaking through the price thresholds that each individual sets to buy or sell any certain stock. If I want to buy a stock bad enough, I will raise my ask until someone is willing to sell. If I want to sell a stock bad enough, I will lower my bid until somebody buys it. The markets have stocks trading for under a penny that had one time highs of multiple dollars. But they are trading! There is volume, which is liquidity. This is the 21st century, it is time for the investment world to utilize the available technology. Short selling destroys supply and demand and creates an avenue for manipulation and corruption. Please end the practice of selling short! Thank You: Rodney Lovell