Author: Eric Harper Date: 06/20/2000 8:23 PM Subject: S7-24-99 Presidential election issue There is in America today a growing movement to end this rule. We shall as a group try and push it to the national media level and indeed make it an election issue. I read with disdain the MM attorneys reply to you on their need to "naked short" a OTCBB stock in order to create liquidity in the market. I happen to disagree especially when some profitable companies on the OTCBB have strong investor interest and indeed millions of dollars worth of stock are trading hands daily. But if we must look at the poor multi billion dollar market maker firms opinion that it is needed lets say it is needed for them. But their is in no way any plausible reason to give them the ability to hold these short positions indefinitely. Trusting that these firms will not take advantage of the ability to commit fraud that is afforded them. There "must" be a check system in place that they "must" cover these positions at some point in time. if not bi-weekly then monthly, but to say you can keep it as long as you need to is absurd. If anything the question nationally needs to be asked and hopefully will be at town meetings both candidates for president are going to hold, "Where are the untold millions of dollars in money that is taken in exchange for these ficticious shares"? This is reality, market makers can sell literally millions of dollars worth of securities and keep this money until they feel they wish to cover. Is the money in interest bearing accounts? Is it being used by the member firms to invest in the other markets? Are they using it to cover other short positions in the Nasdq market, the NYSE market when they are forced into a squeeze? The truth is nobody knows, not you not the Nasdaq or the OTCBB. 4000 public companies on the OTCBB, how many tens of millions are being held or invested by market maker firms? The public doesn't know where there money is now but you can bet your bottom dollar they will be election day. Such an easy rule to put into effect, ok you can short "if" you need to. But the unpublishing of these positions to the public days are over. And the holding of said short positions for an infinite amount of time are over. Plain and simple and easy and leaves these firms no way of disputing the rule. If they were to dispute it, then they would have to provide reasons for the need to keep these numbers in secrecy and indeed keep "hardworking Americans" money in interest bearing accounts or other investments for their own personal gain. With now more than 50% of the American public investing in the markets today and the new plans set forth by both candidates to allow them to invest in their own future in the markets through social security. They should be able to explain when asked what they would do to end the ripping off of "hardworking Americans". We are going to try and get dozens of investors to hold signs on the elction routes and outside and inside the town meetings and indeed bring up the question at every single meeting. I have no doubt with the sheer numbers of investors that is growing everyday, we will indeed be able to put it into the debate and indeed into the national media spotlight. Show me a politician that is not looking for an angle and I will show you one that doesn't want to win. I would like to applaud you in your moves to clean up the OTCBB so don't get me wrong. It has been a long time coming and your efforts are apreciated by all. But in cleaning out the fraudsters and scam companies you have only done half your job. If you are going to make public companies on the OTCBB accountable then you must finish the job and make market makers in these securities accountable. I and no other investors in this movement are trying to say that the securities dealers of America are out to steal. But human nature is human nature and fraud in all the markets world wide even in those with detailed check systems in place have it occasionally happen. Too much money involved its a given and letting unchecked, unaccounted for short selling to go on is inviting the fraud that you and I know will be taken advantage of is absurd to say the least. No one blames you, and I am in no way putting you on the spot. I am just making you well aware of the fact that this is an election year and literally thousands of investors weekly are becoming aware of the problem. They are also joining together and realizing they have the oppurtunity to make swift changes like never before. The doors to cleaning up the OTCBB market are open, companies have to account those trading in those securtities must also be held accountable. In closing I ask you the question, "do you know how much money we are talking about"? Sit back and think about it for a moment and realize what we are dealing with here, how many investors we are talking about here. The truth is we don't know and the reason is it is unchecked and covering at least once a month is not required. All of us are going to contact our federal elected officials no matter what party. I am a stauch republican but at this stage I don't care if the Democrats take the lead and bring it to light. Someone must and in this crucial election year I have no doubt in my mind that savvy politicians will see the reality and the oppurutunity to gain. I am not a naive investor and niether are many OTCBB investors. In my years of investing 10 of 12 OTCBB companies I have invested in have gone on the the Nasdaq. But I have had my fill of the manipulation especially now in the recent market interest it has become so flagrant it is evident that it is rife with fraud. And the American government is allowing it to happen and we will ask the Senatorial candidates and the Presidential candidates why something has not been done.