Subject: Comments on naked shorting and MM manipulation Date: 11/22/99 7:36 AM For those of us with Level 2 and who seriously invest and do due diligence of companies of the OTC/BB market, we applaud the proposal outlawing naked shorting. The actions of Market Makers and others who spread fear and doubt all over the Internet about companies they wish to short are already costing investors perhaps hundreds of millions of dollars each year through dubious means. Naked shorting is an extreme tool they use that would best be eliminated. The Internet discussion sites, especially, but also are places where many investors go to research and/or follow their favorite companies. What they often find are paid shills who spread fear and doubt and use scare tactics to attempt to help reduce the price of the stock. They also face wide spreads and incredibly common manipulation of the stocks by Market Makers. Anything the SEC can do to level the playing field and to watch and prosecute illegal MM activity would be much appreciated. I really advocate trading without Market Makers, so that buying and selling volumes alone determine bid and ask prices. It would be a much fairer system. My hope though is that the SEC is tracking all kinds of illegal activity and will seek a settlement against the Market Makers and others who have so commonly been literally stealing investors' dollars by the millions each and every week for perhaps years. Level 2 has really opened up my eyes to just how badly manipulation goes on. Respectfully, Dave Gore