Subject: SJ-24-99 Author: "Jeffrey M. Celentano" at Internet Date: 12/07/1999 12:23 AM Dear Sirs: When I was in college my economics professor told our class that the SEC was established to protect the individual investor. If this is true, the SEC can do nothing greater towards achieving this goal than putting a stop to the naked shorting by the market makers on the OTC BB. The OTC BB is the place where the small investor and small company can grow together into something greater. However, I have seen time and again hopes dashed and dreams crushed because market makers are bulldozing individual investors with shares that do not exist. The extent to which these markets are manipulated by the market makers is appauling. If the SEC does nothing to stop this practice, the individual investor will be driven out of the OTC market. It will be a very sad day if that happens. Please, give the small investor a chance. Thank you. Jeffrey Celentano. 11 Ford Street, Milford, CT 06460.