Author: Date: 06/20/2000 12:18 PM Subject: naked shorting? Dear SEC, Naked shorting, Is this true? How can this be allowed? Counterfeit shares = counterfeit money, so please tell me why this is allowed on OTCBB's?? I am an investor in PFCK stock, an OTCBB fully reporting company. I really hope this is not going on with PFCK, but it sounds like it can happen anywhere. Well, I urge the SEC to stop this unfair, unethical and totally insane practice! We are investors, we deserve a fair market to invest in, not games! This is ridiculous and if this does not stop soon I would assume the SEC will be getting lawsuits from angry investors whom lost tons of cash.. DO WHAT IS ETHICAL FOR INVESTORS AND BUSINESS'S, STOP NAKED SHORTING IMMEDIATLEY! Thanks, please reply, Russ B.