From: Martin [] Sent: Saturday, June 07, 2003 11:43 PM To: Subject: File No. S7-12-03 You people should get your act together and make some decisions about whether and in what form and which credit agencies can rate bonds. It seems obviously wrong that there are only two major recognized rating agencies that can perform this function. I believe that Standard and Poors also is involved with rating the common stock equities of companies for which they rate their commercial paper. Does this not at least appear to be a conflict of interest? At some point, the investing public is going to want answers. It would be better if the SEC act's in a timely fashion to provide these answers now, instead of after some (another) financial or stock market calamity. At some point the public will see through all of the Martha Stewart spin for what it really is....a diversionary tactic to keep the public's attention away from the most relevant issues in favor of a trivial (but sensational) matter. It won't be long before the most naive of the investing public see's that the SEC is asleep at the wheel, while we get tape and sound bites (perhaps) of Martha doing a "perp walk". All on my tax dollars. What a shame! Martin Goldberg 3 Victorian Court Wayne, PA 19087 610-640-4554