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U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Securities Exchange Act Release No. 39935 / April 30, 1998

Report on Administrative Proceedings

For the Period October 1, 1997 through March 31, 1998

Rule 900 of the Commission's Rules of Practice (17 CFR 201.900) requires the Commission's Office of the Secretary to publish in the SEC Docket each October and April a status report on the Commission's administrative proceedings caseload.

The report identifies the number of matters pending before the administrative law judges and the Commission at the beginning of the six-month period; the number of new matters instituted, filed, and disposed of during the period; and the number pending at the end of the period. For each category of decision, the report shows the median age of the matters at the time of the decision and the number of matters decided within the guidelines in Rule 900 for the timely completion of adjudicatory proceedings. Finally, the report includes comparison figures from the previous two six-month periods.

