FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 98-3 Securities and Exchange Commission Creates a Year 2000 Page on Website Washington, D.C., January 14, 1998 -- The Securities and Exchange Commission has created a page listing all the information the Commission has created regarding the Year 2000 issue. The URL address for this page is and is accessible from the SEC's home page at This new page links to the complete texts of Year 2000 items contained in many different sections of the website. Everything the SEC creates regarding the Year 2000 issue, including but not limited to, press releases, letters to the industry, Congressional testimony, and guidance from the staff, will be accessible through this single page. As we move towards the year 2000, the Commission expects to be creating more documents to guide the securities industry, securities bar and investing public through this transition. David Copenhafer, Year 2000 Project Director, said, "This new page allows visitors to our website to see all of the Commission's actions about the Year 2000 with one click of the mouse. I believe this new resource will enable all people who have dealings with the Commission to better understand the Commission's expectations and actions in this area." # # #