FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 98-1 Mark J. Dowdell, Branch Chief in the Philadelphia District Office, Receives an Examination Award of Excellence for His Work on the Devon Capital Management Case Washington, DC, January 8, 1998 -- Securities and Exchange Commission examiner Mark J. Dowdell was honored on December 11, 1997 at the 43rd annual SEC Awards Ceremony. He received an "Examination Award of Excellence" for his work in the Philadelphia District Office. This award recognizes those individuals who during the year made a significant contribution to the examination program, to the SEC and investors. Mr. Dowdell was instrumental in bringing the $69 million fraud case against Devon Capital Management. As a Branch Chief in the Philadelphia District Office, Mr. Dowdell's dedication and professionalism was highlighted by his work on this particular examination. Ron Long, District Administrator of the Philadelphia District Office said, "Mark's hard work and persistence during the Devon inspection is a perfect example of how the examination process should work. Through these types of examinations the SEC will continue to protect investors. All of us in the Philadelphia office are pleased that Mark was chosen for this award." # # #