FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 2000-73 Gregg W. Corso, Senior Counsel To Chairman Arthur Levitt, To Leave The Commission After 13 Years Of Service Washington, DC, June 2, 2000 -- Gregg W. Corso, Senior Counsel to Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Arthur Levitt, will leave the Commission today after 13 years of service. He will become a partner in the law firm of Cooley Godward, where he will spend time in the firm's Palo Alto, California and Reston, Virginia offices. A successor has not yet been named. Chairman Levitt said, "Gregg has been an indispensable adviser and a good friend. His passion and brilliance were the driving forces behind so much of the Commission's most important policy initiatives. His never-ending ideas and fidelity to the basic principles of financial reporting have left an indelible mark. I wish him continued success in this next exciting stage of his career. I will miss him greatly." Mr. Corso said, "My departure brings me a measure of both pride and sadness: pride in having had the privilege for the past thirteen years to be part of an organization so firmly committed to the public interest; sadness in realizing that I will leave so many friends and truly extraordinary and talented people. Over the last few years, I've also had the particular pleasure of working closely with Arthur Levitt. I thank him for being a terrific boss and, more importantly, for being my friend." Mr. Corso, 38, has been Counsel to the Chairman since 1996, and was named Senior Counsel in 1999. In his position, Mr. Corso advised the Chairman on a variety of corporate finance, accounting, and corporate governance issues. Mr. Corso played a central role in the Commission's ongoing campaign to improve the quality of financial reporting and to maintain the independence of auditors. He was also instrumental in shaping the rules that improved disclosures relating to corporate audit committees. From 1993 to 1996, he was Chief of the Office of Mergers and Acquisitions in the Division of Corporation Finance. Prior to that time, he served in a variety of positions in the Division of Corporation Finance beginning in 1986. In addition, Mr. Corso was a member of the Adjunct Faculty at the Georgetown University Law Center from 1994 to 1998. Mr. Corso received both a B.S. and J.D. from Boston University. # # #