FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 2000-123 AGENDA FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED AUDITOR INDEPENDENCE RULES Washington, DC, September 5, 2000 - Today the Commission released the following agenda for public hearings on proposed auditor independence rules to be held in New York City on September 13, 2000: 8:45 am: Opening Remarks MORNING SESSION 9:00 am: PANEL 1 Laurence H. Meyer, Governor Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Paul A. Volcker, Former Chairman Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 9:30 am: PANEL 2 David A. Brown, Chairman Ontario Securities Commission John C. Whitehead, Retired Chairman Goldman Sachs & Co. 10:00 am: PANEL 3 Gary M. Pfeiffer, Chief Financial Officer E. I. Du Pont De Nemours and Company Judy Lewent, Senior Vice President & Chief Financial Officer Merck & Co., Inc. 10:30 am: PANEL 4 George Kim Johnson, General Counsel Public Employees' Retirement Association of Colorado Kayla J. Gillan, General Counsel California Public Employees' Retirement System Alan P. Cleveland, Special Legal Counsel New Hampshire Retirement System Ralph Whitworth, Managing Member Relational Investors, LLC 11:30 am: PANEL 5 Jo Ann Golden, Vice President New York Society of Certified Public Accountants Dennis Paul Spackman, Chairman David Costello, President and Chief Executive Officer National Association of State Boards of Accountancy William G. Bishop, III, President, Institute of Internal Auditors Jacqueline K. Wagner, Comptroller, General Motors Corporation [Representing Institute of Internal Auditors] 12:15 pm: Lunch Break AFTERNOON SESSION 1:00 pm: PANEL 1 Tom Gardner, Co-Founder The Motley Fool, Inc. Bernard Blum Blum Shapiro Financial Services Inc. [Representing Financial Planning Association] 1:30 pm: PANEL 2 Domenick J. Esposito, Chief Executive Officer Grant Thornton LLP Thomas S. Goodkind Formerly with Arthur Andersen & Co. 2:00 pm: PANEL 3 Robert M. Morgenthau, District Attorney County of New York 2:15 pm PANEL 4 Jay W. Eisenhofer Grant & Eisenhofer, P.A. Charles R. Drott 2:45 pm PANEL 5 Stephen G. Butler, Chairman KPMG LLP Robert K. Elliott, Chairman Barry Melancon, President and Chief Executive Officer Harold L. Monk, Jr., Chairman of the PCPS Executive Committee Gordon A. Viere, Chairman of the Practice Group B Advisory Committee Gary S. Shamis, Chairman of the PCPS Management of an Accounting Practice Committee [Representing the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants] 3:15 pm: PANEL 6 Robert Fox New York State Board for Public Accountancy Larry Gelfond Colorado Accountancy Board Baxter Rice California State Board of Accountancy Anne Ross Robert Wilkes South Carolina Accountancy Board 4:15 pm: Break 4:30 pm: PANEL 7 Graham Ward, President The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales Elise Neils, Director Brand Finance plc 5:00 pm: PANEL 8 Thomas C. DeFazio, Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer VirtualCom Incorporated Richard J. Stegemeier, Chairman Emeritus of the Board of Directors UnoCal Corporation 5:30 pm: PANEL 9 Daniel Dustin New York State Education Department Rajib Doogar, Visiting Assistant Professor Department of Accountancy University of Illinois at Champaign Urbana David Dasgupta Former AICPA Official 6:15 pm: Conclusion # # #