Koji Goto

The Commission announced today that the New Hampshire federal district court entered a preliminary injunction and asset freeze on December 3, 2003 against defendant Koji Goto and an asset freeze against Goto's wife, relief defendant Shaleen A. Cassily, in connection with a fraud action filed by the Commission. The court's entry of a preliminary injunction prohibits Goto, a Japanese citizen and Bedford, New Hampshire resident, from engaging in future violations of the antifraud provisions of the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 pending the resolution of the Commission's action.

The Commission's complaint, filed on November 14, 2003, alleges that, beginning in 2002, Goto misappropriated more than $5 million in connection with two fraudulent investment schemes to obtain investments in a Boston-based hedge fund and a purported hot dog stand vending business. The Commission's complaint also alleges that Goto transferred at least $1.4 million of investor funds to a brokerage account in the name of Cassily, and that Goto and Cassily transferred their joint ownership interest in a New Hampshire house worth millions of dollars to Cassily as sole owner. The Court entered a temporary restraining order and asset freeze against Goto and an asset freeze against Cassily on November 14, 2003.

For more information see Litigation Release No. 18456 dated November 14, 2003