UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Litigation Release No. 15876 / September 9, 1998 Federal Judge Permanently Enjoins Green Oasis Environmental, Inc. In Internet Related Fraudulent Stock Sales Scheme The Securities and Exchange Commission announced today that Judge Patrick Michael Duffy of the United States District Court for the District of South Carolina entered an Order of Permanent Injunction And Other Relief against Green Oasis Environmental, Inc. ("Green Oasis") restraining and enjoining the company from further violations of the federal securities laws. Green Oasis consented to the entry of the permanent injunction without admitting or denying the allegations of the Commission's complaint. William D. Carraway ("Carraway") signed the stipulation on the company's behalf. The Commission's complaint alleges that Green Oasis and Carraway effected the scheme by publishing a series of false and misleading press releases prepared by the public relations firm the company retained, owned and controlled by Raymond C. O'Brien ("O'Brien"). Carraway paid O'Brien and others to publish purportedly objective descriptions about the company and to encourage positive discussion about the company in Internet news groups. Carraway and O'Brien used these false press releases to increase investor interest in the company. Carraway and O'Brien encouraged Ronald V. Reece ("Reece") to publish positive information about the company in numerous Internet news group messages he wrote and in an electronic newsletter he published about the company. In his publications, Reece claimed to be merely an interested investor and denied receiving any consideration from the company. In fact, the company gave Reece a valuable discount on his purchase of the company's securities and paid his travel expenses, all of which he failed to disclose in his publications.