(in $000)

Unsupported Adjustments to Reserve Accounts

  OEM Sales Reserve Reserve for Accel Depr Marketing Accrual Corporate Reserve for Inventory Obso. Reserve for Mfg Facilities Reserve For Valuation of Financial Assets Reserve for Interest Income Total % Pre-tax Net Income
06/30/95 185 - 82,800 (6,000) - 1,096 (5,000) 73,081 13.36%
09/30/95 40,500 - (33,956) - (4,000) (3,000) - (456) -0.06%
12/31/95 (83,000) - (32,649) - (45,000) (3,500) (5,000) (169,149) -19.11%
03/31/96 26,000 8,515 (58,203) (30,000) (5,000) (3,000) (5,000) (66,688) -7.72%
06/30/96 1,000 (8,329) 124,808 (15,000) - (3,000) 17,000 116,479 13.54%
1996 Annual (15,500) 186 - (45,000) (54,000) (12,500) 7,000 (119,814) -3.55%
09/30/96 - (47,609) (77,324) - 17,100 (3,000) 7,000 (103,833) -10.99%
12/31/96 (42,300) (30,906) (23,191) - 4,538 (3,000) (5,000) (99,859) -8.76%
03/31/97 (130,233) 18,686 759 110 902 (3,000) (5,000) (117,776) -7.35%
06/30/97 32,500 11,716 99,756 (1) (5,021) (3,000) (5,000) 130,950 8.05%
1997 Annual (140,033) (48,113) - 109 17,519 (12,000) (8,000) (190,518) -3.59%
09/30/97 89,797 2,686 (88,800) - - (6,000) (8,000) (10,317) -0.86%
12/31/97 (85,631) 2,467 (47,041) (5,000) - (6,000) (5,000) (146,205) -8.26%
03/31/98 - (14,534) (20,747) 34 - (13,000) (5,000) (53,247) -2.59%
06/30/98 29,451 5,273 156,588 - 36,481 1,000 - 228,793 10.96%
1998 Annual 33,617 (4,108) - (4,966) 36,481 (24,000) (18,000) 19,024 0.27%