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U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

DRAFT EDGAR Filer Manual (Volume II)

This draft Filer Manual, posted before Commission approval of potential regulatory changes in this release, is provided as a service to our filing community to assist filers, agents, and software developers prepare for potential changes the staff anticipates. Since this is a draft manual, the SEC retains the right to change any part of the manual before the new system release is made final. In addition, the final EDGAR Filer Manual (Volume II) (Version 16) is subject to Commission approval and may be revised before approval or not approved at all. Similarly, the posting of the draft manual does not indicate Commission approval of any pending proposed changes relating to the potential changes reflected in the draft manual. The final version of the manual will be made available as and if approved by the Commission, on the SEC's Public Website.

Changes to the DRAFT EDGAR Filing Manual (Volume II) - EDGAR Filing (Version 16) are being made to update the filer manual to reflect changes scheduled to be implemented on December 13, 2010.

  • New EDGARLink Online Application (EDGARLink Online) has been implemented to allow filers to submit EDGARLink submission form types online, without the use of the offline EDGARLink Tool. EDGARLink Online can be accessed from the EDGAR Filing website (https://www.edgarfiling.sec.gov) by selecting the “EDGARLink Online Submissions” or by clicking the “Are you an EDGARLink filer or would you like to create a new Asset-Backed Securities Issuing Entity?” link from the EDGAR Portal Web site (http://www.portal.edgarfiling.sec.gov).
    The existing offline EDGARLink Tool and the associated Templates 1-6 will continue to be available for a period of time to allow filers to become familiar with the new EDGARLink Online Application.
    A new chapter 8, “Preparing and Transmitting EDGARLink Online Submissions”, has been added to the Volume II of the EDGAR Filer Manual to guide filers through the filing process using the new tool.
  • Submission type ABS 15G and its amendment will be available on EDGARLink Online only. See Proposing Release No. 33-9148, Disclosure for Asset-Backed Securities Required by Section 943 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.
  • A new 8-K Item 6.10 (Alternative Filings of Asset-Backed Issuers) will be available on both EDGARLink Submission Template #3 and EDGARLink Online for submission form types 8-K and 8-K/A. Item 6.10 requires a PDF attachment to be included as Exhibit 99.
  • Filings containing EX-101.INS XBRL document will have validation changed as follows:
    • Removed restrictions, so as to now allow domain items to be abstract.
    • Removed restriction, so as to now allow footnoteArc elements to omit the order attribute.
    • Relaxed validations for EX-101.INS XBRL documents to allow a DTS that has type declarations in any standard international or US namespace.
    • Relaxed validations for EX-101.INS documents to allow internationally recommended type and role declarations to be used in its DTS.
    • Relaxed validations for EX-101.INS XBRL documents whose DTS has arc role declarations to allow the link:footnoteArc element to have an arcrole that is either standard or is declared in a standard taxonomy schema.
    • Added validations for EX-101.INS XBRL documents to require a DTS that has type declarations in any standard international or US namespace to enforce restrictions on combinations of numeric data types and unit of measure declarations according to internationally recommended and US-specific data types registry.

The filer manual is also being revised to address changes previously made in EDGAR. On October 25, 2010, EDGAR Release 10.3.2 introduced the following changes:

  • Two new submission form types (SC 14N, SC 14N-S) and their amendments have been added to both EDGARLink Template #2 and EDGARLink Online.
  • A new item in Form 8-K (Item 5.08 - Shareholder Director Nominations) has been added to both EDGARLink Submission Template #3 and EDGARLink Online for submission form types 8-K, 8-K12B, 8-K12G3, 8-K15D5 and their amendments.
    However, use of the SC 14N, SC 14N-S and Form 8-K Item 5.08 is delayed until further notice. See Order Rel. No. 33-9149 (Order Granting Stay) for more information; see also Rel. No. 33-9151 (Notice of stay of effective and compliance dates).

You may download the DRAFT EDGAR Filing Manual (Volume II) - EDGAR Filing (Version 16) by clicking the following link. To assist filers in the identification of the draft changes, we have provided a redlined version of Volume II.



Modified: 11/12/2010